Satgas Evakuasi Libatkan Basarnas, Antisipasi Bencana Alam Pada KTT AIS Forum 2023 NEWS|October 11, 2023October 11, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG , STIGMA.CO.ID – Dalam gelaran Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) Archipelagic and
The AIS Summit Reserve Sub-Task Force is Ready to Secure State Guests and Spouses in Inkognito Activities NEWS|October 11, 2023October 11, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Under the command of the Regional Security Task Force
Sub Satgas Cadangan KTT AIS Siap Amankan Para Tamu Negara dan Spouse Dalam Kegiatan Inkognito NEWS|October 11, 2023October 11, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Dibawah Komando Satuan Tugas Pengamanan Wilayah (Satgas Pamwil), Sub
Equipped with a Minor Set, Medical Supporters of the AIS Summit Pamwil Task Force are Able to Perform Surgical Procedures in the Field NEWS|October 11, 2023October 11, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Kindergarten Hospital II Udayana, as a Medical Support Element
Dibekali Minor Set, Pendukung Medis Satgas Pamwil KTT AIS Mampu Lakukan Tindakan Bedah di Lapangan NEWS|October 11, 2023October 11, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Rumah Sakit Tk. II Udayana sebagai Unsur Pendukung Medis
The Role of Komlek Supporting Elements in the Success of the Security Operation for The AIS Forum Summit in Bali NEWS|October 10, 2023October 10, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Another role that is no less important in supporting
Peran Unsur Pendukung Komlek Dalam Mensukseskan Operasi Pengamanan KTT AIS Forum di Bali NEWS|October 10, 2023October 10, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Satu lagi peran yang tidak kalah penting dalam mendukung
Lakir Sub-Task Force Controls Traffic and Parking for Guests of Countries Participating in the AIS Forum Summit in Bali OLAH RAGA|October 10, 2023October 10, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – In order to attend the Archipelagic and Island States
Sub Satgas Lakir Tertibkan Lalin dan Parkir Tamu Negara Peserta KTT AIS Forum di Bali NEWS|October 10, 2023October 10, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Dalam rangka menghadiri kegiatan Konfrensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) Archipelagic
Important to Moril Warrior, This Is The Role Of Banmin’s Supporting Element At The AIS Forum Summit 2023 NEWS|October 10, 2023October 10, 2023by Kodam IX Udayana BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Security officials’ preparedness for the start of the Archipelagic