BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – At the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum 2023 Summit in Bali, Kodam IX/Udayana earned the honor to carry out the task of territorial security under the direct leadership of Pangdam IX/Udayana.

Selaku Dansatgas Evakuasi, Kasdam IX/Udayana Brigjen TNI Sachono, S.H., M.Si, M.Tr. (Han), explained that the Evacuation Satgas and its reinforcements are tasked with carrying out disaster alert operations against the guests of the country participating in the AIS Forum 2023 Summit in the area of Nusa Dua, Badung District, Bali Province.
“The contingency plan that we have made involves Kodam IX/Udayana personnel synergistic with BPBD, Basarnas, and BMKG, who work together to be able to anticipate and take action quickly and accurately in the event of a natural disaster that could threaten the lives of VVIP guests,” Kasdam said in Posko Satgas Evacuation on Wednesday, November 10, 2023.

Kasdam further informed that the Regional Government with TNI-Polri has conducted several disaster management exercises so that, in general, the people in this region know the procedures and evacuation routes that can be passed.
On the same day, the head of the National Search and Relief Agency (Kabasarnas), Marshal Madya TNI Kusworo, S.E., M.M., who was welcomed directly by Dansatgas accompanied by Wadansatgas, as well as the Dansubs and Chief of the Evacuation Satgas Element, visited the station.

Speaking on the occasion, the Head of Basarnas Class A Office of Denpasar, I Nyoman Sidakarya, S.H., commented on the number of SAR volunteers who joined the Search and Relief Potential Coordination Forum (FKP3). As many as 400 people have specialized in Water Rescue, Medical First Responder (MFAR), High Angle Relief Techniques (HART), as well as First Aid and Height Relief. (Pendam IX/Udy)