DENPASAR, STIGMA.CO.ID – Indonesia again became the host in an international activity held in the province of Bali. These international activities include the Asean Chief Of Defense Force Meeting (ACDFM), the Asean Military Intelligence Meeting (AMIM) and the Asean Military Operation Meeting (AMOM) which are planned to be held in Nusa Dua Badung, Bali.
In this regard, Kodam IX/Udayana which oversees the territorial area of Bali Nusra, participated and is ready to support this international event by holding a call to check personnel and materials involved in ACDFM, AMIM and AMOM activities. The checking call was led by Assistant Operations Kasdam IX/Udayana Colonel Inf Septa Viandi DP., S.I.P., M.Han., at I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung Field, Puputan, Denpasar, on Wednesday (31/5/2023).
In his direction, Asops Kasdam IX/Udayana said that the purpose of carrying out this inspection call was to ensure personnel and material readiness for the ACDFM, AMIM and AMOM activities, which are planned to be held from 3 to 9 May 2023.

“By carrying out this activity in the Province of Bali, the IX/Udayana Regional Military Command participated in supporting and making it successful, by carrying out security which also involved the Bali Police,” said Assistant Operations Kasdam IX/Udayana.
Meanwhile, Military Commander IX/Udayana Maj. Gen. TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., in his direction conveyed by Asintel Kasdam IX/Udayana Colonel Arm Sarkistan Sihaloho, S.E., advised that the personnel involved will be able to carry out their duties to the fullest for the good name of the nation and country.
“We carry out this task sincerely and sincerely, take advantage of the time available to immediately coordinate and review the field so that all members understand their respective duties and responsibilities. Who will do what, so that in this implementation it can run well and can bring the good name of our unit, the Regional Military Command IX/Udayana,” ordered the Commander of the Regional Military Command through the Assistant Intelligence Service of Kasdam IX/Udayana.
Also present at the checking rally were Mechanical Danyonif 741/GN, Danyonzipur 18/YKR, Danyonif Raider 900/SBW, Pabandya Ops Siopsdam IX/Udayana, Pasilidpam Intel Rem 163/WSA, Pasiops Siopsrem 163/WSA and Dandenkav 4/SP. (Pendam IX/Udy)