DENPASAR, STIGMA.CO.ID -Kodam IX/Udayana continues to improve the preparedness of its unit in order to face the activities of the High-level Conference of Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum to be held in Bali. One of these efforts was made by calling the Tactical Floor Game (TFG) held on Monday (2/10/2023) in the Supardi Aula Makodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar.

The TFG aims to elaborate on the tactics and strategies to be applied in the implementation of the security of the AIS Summit. The TFG can also be used as a coordinating tool in the planning of operations so that each subsatgas knows its role and functions to succeed and support the smoothness of the AIS summit.
Asops Kasdam IX/Udayana presents the concept of operations in the activities of the AIS Summit 2023, including the implementation of the Kogabwilhan-level TFG, which will be carried out on October 7, 2023, at Yudomo GOR Kepaon.
Then each Subsatgas exhibited and performed the Yudha with the hope that the marerite would be used to function well and the staff understood their duties and responsibilities as well as understanding who and what to do in the Security of the AIS Summit.

The activities were led directly by Pangdam IX/Udayana Mayjen TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., as Dansatgas Pamwil and Kasdam IX/Udayana Briggen TNI Sachono, SH, M.Si., and Mr.Tr(Han) as Dansatgas Evacuation. They were attended by: Danrem 163/WSA, Asintel, Asops, and Aslog Kasdam IX/Udy, all Commandants Sub Satgas, Karoops Polda Bali, Kalaksa BPBD Prov. Bali, Chief of BMKG Denpasar, Managing Director The Nusa Bali, GM BNDCC, GMBIC, while Vidcon was present by Kasrem 162/WB, Pasi Intel Codim 1615/Lombok East.
Pangdam IX/Udayana, in his direction, informed us that this activity is an advanced stage of the security preparation activities of the Regional Security Staff and the Evacuation Staff of the AIS Summit to be held in Bali on October 10, 2023, as well as to measure the extent to which we are prepared for the plans that have been drawn up for the activities of the AIS Summit.
“For that, the entire Satgas and other related elements that are in the territory of the territorial duty of Kodam IX/Udayana should be better prepared to carry out security, I hope according to the plan and no change of time and objects that we have prepared,” said Pangdam. (Pendam IX/Udy)