JEMBRANA, STIGMA.CO.ID – It is necessary to understand that the implementation of the transfer of Command and Control (Kodal) is part of the TNI Army’s organizational structuring to face threats in line with developments in the increasingly dynamic and complex global strategic environment.

This was conveyed by Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., when leading the Inauguration Ceremony for the Transfer of Command and Control of Infantry Battalion 741/Garuda Nusantara from Kodam IX/Udayana to Korem 163/Wira Satya, which was held on Thursday (9/11/2023) at Mako Yonif 741/Garuda Nusantara Field, Jembrana, Bali.
The ceremony was carried out based on Kasad’s order number Sprin/3670/X/2023, dated October 6, 2023. The Military Commander expressed his gratitude for the ratification of the transfer of the 741/GN Infantry Battalion Command and hoped that the 741/GN Infantry Battalion Unit would later be able to become a professional unit. disciplined, physically fit, good at martial arts, and good at shooting, Korem 163/Wira Satya can improve performance in unit development.

On this occasion, the Military Commander also emphasized that, as TNI Army soldiers, loyalty to units and institutions remains above all, so that soldiers in the ranks of Kodam IX/Udayana can be assured of being able to carry out their duties as well as possible.
Next, the Kodal transfer ceremony was marked by the handing over of the battalion’s stumps and the signing of the Kodal transfer minutes, as well as witnessing the abilities of 741/GN soldiers in military self-defense demonstration activities and Sparko gymnastics. At the end of the activity, the military commander and his entourage visited the base, followed by a briefing for all soldiers and Mrs. Persit Battalion 741/GN.

Those present at this activity included: Irdam IX/Udy, Kapoksahli Pangdam IX/Udy, Danrem 163/WSA, Kasrem 163/WSA, Deputy Regent of Jembrana, Pamen Sahli Pangdam IX/Udy, Asrendam IX/Udy, Assistant Chiefs of Kasdam IX/Udy, LO AL, LO AU, Dansat/Kabalakdam IX/Udy, Kasirem 163/Wsa, Forkopimda Kab. Jembrana, Deputy Chief of Police for Jembarana, Wadanyon Datasemen C Brimob Gilimanuk, Head of Jembrana Police, Chairman and Deputy Chairman along with the Management of Persit KCK PD IX/Udy (Pendam IX/Udy)