BADUNG, STIGMA.CO.ID – Another role that is no less important in supporting the main tasks of the Regional Security Task Force (Satgas Pamwil) at the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum 2023 High Level Conference (KTT) is the Communications and Electronics Support Element (Komlek).

This supporting element has the task and function of carrying out communications and electronics support for the Pamwil Task Force in order to guarantee the command and control (kodal) of the Pamwil Dansatgas and its staff.
When they met at the Pamwil Task Force Command Post on Tuesday (10/10/2023), the Head of the Komlek Support Element, Colonel Chb Heru Amrullah, S.Sos., M.I.P., said that the personnel were divided into several teams, including the Radio Communication, Bekhar, and Communication Visual Teams.
“The Radio Communication Team is tasked with carrying out radio communication programs for all Pamwil Task Force personnel. Then the Bekhar Team is tasked with carrying out supplies and maintenance of communication and electronic materials to ensure equipment can operate properly. Meanwhile, the Visual Communication Team is tasked with deploying visual media or displaying activity object routes and lodging, especially those in Ring II and Ring III,” explained Colonel Chb Heru Amrullah, who serves as Kahubdam IX/Udayana on a daily basis.

Regarding the materials, facilities, and infrastructure that will be provided during the security implementation of the 2023 AIS Forum Summit, namely radio communications, Satellite On The Move (SOTM), which functions to capture visuals of what is happening in the field, mobile communications (Komob), which can act as a mobile repeater, as well as Tron videos, etc.
Communication and electronic support Elements play an important role in carrying out communication communications in a security operation task. Without this supporting element, communication and coordination between personnel and Task Force command in the field will not be able to run well. (Pendam IX/Udy)