Denpasar – Monitoring activities of the Current Audit of the Inspectorate General in Kodam IX/Udayana units have an important meaning in efforts to improve organizational performance, because monitoring activities are an application of one of the management functions, namely the control function as well as a control tool for the implementation of organizational work mechanisms. In addition, this supervision is carried out to control activities and budget use according to predetermined programs to prevent deviations so that a more advanced and professional unit can be created.

This was conveyed by Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., in a written speech read by Irdam IX/Udayana Brigadier General TNI Tatan Ardianto, S.I.P., when opening the initial briefing for the Current Audit of the Army Inspectorate General (Itjenad) TA. 2023 in the Kodam IX/Udayana unit led by Inspector General Brigadier General TNI Kokom, S.E., on Monday (9/10/2023) at the Syafiudin Rupatama Room of Makodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar.
On this occasion, the Military Commander welcomed the Team Leader and the Current Audit IG group and hoped that the Current Audit Supervision activities in the Kodam IX/Udayana area could run in an orderly and safe manner.

The Military Commander further said that the role of Wasrik is very important to prevent irregularities in budget use, so this activity is focused on inspections that prioritize consultation to overcome problems faced in the Work Program that is being implemented, so that later solutions can be obtained in accordance with applicable regulations.
“I order the Dansat to support this activity by providing information and data needed by the Team, so that they can use their time effectively and efficiently. “Let’s create a working atmosphere of harmony, openness and mutual trust, and have good mutual communication because we both have responsibilities towards the Indonesian Army according to our respective fields of duty,” stressed the Pangdam in his speech.

To the Wasrik Team, the Pangdam conveyed that if he received findings related to the implementation of work programs and budgets, he could provide direction and guidance so that appropriate solutions were obtained to improve these findings.
Before ending his speech, the Commander of the Military emphasized to the officials in the ranks of Kodam IX/Udayana, to make the best use of the IG’s Current Audit Supervision activities, with the hope that the achievement of the results of the work program for the current fiscal year can be more efficient and effective. Then, the Military Commander Supervisory Team wished them good luck on duty.
Meanwhile, the Inspector General in his remarks read by Inspector General of Police as Controller of Brigadier General TNI Kokom, S.E, expressed his thanks to Pangdam IX/Udayana and his staff and staff for holding this initial briefing. The Inspector General also explained that the main task of the Inspectorate General of the Army (Itjenad) is to assist Kasad in carrying out general supervision in order to support the duties of the TNI AD.

Furthermore, the Inspector General said that supervision activities are carried out by providing assistance as well as consultation or implementation of work programs both in terms of achieving targets or output and administration as well as relevant supporting data for activities. It is hoped that this can become a reference and guideline for the unit in improving performance and administrative order.
The event which ran smoothly was also attended by Kapok Sahli Pangdam IX/Udayana, Irops Itjenad, Irut-3 Binjadisat Itops Itum Itjenad, Kasi Press Korem 163/WSA, Assistants of Kodam IX/Udayana (represented by Pabandya) and Kabalak Kodam IX/ Udayana. (Pendam IX/Udy)