NTB, STIGMA.CO.ID – As Commander of the Integrated Joint Task Command (Pangkogasgabpad) for VVIP Security for the Bali-Nusra region, Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., always ensures the security of every movement of VVIP objects in the field has been carried out according to the Protap.
As was the case during the Working Visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. H. Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), on Tuesday (20/6/2023). It appears that the Military Commander IX/Udayana is directly involved in the field to ensure that the VVIP Security Procedures that are implemented are running well.

On his agenda, the President of the Republic of Indonesia and his entourage arrived at Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International Airport, Central Lombok Regency, proceeded to West Sumbawa Regency by using the Indonesian Air Force Super Puma Helicopter. There, the President conducted a review of the PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT).
It is known, the progress of the construction of the smelter PT. The AMNT, which has reached 51.63 percent, is being reviewed by the President to ensure that the progress is according to plan and will be completed by the middle of next year.
After carrying out a review of PT. AMNT, the President of the Republic of Indonesia and his entourage returned to Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International Airport (BIZAM) and continued using the Presidential Plane to Surabaya, East Java, to carry out an inspection of the PT. Free port Indonesia.
Regarding the implementation of VVIP security, the Regional Military Commander IX/Udayana has the responsibility to carry out physical security duties directly at close range. So that it is ensured that the working visits of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and Mrs. in the NTB region are really in a conducive situation. (Pendam IX/Udy)